In 2001, and from 2003 to 2004, I worked as a transport and urban planner and senior engineer for the local government of East Sussex in the UK. During this time I was responsible for designing and implementing new sustainable transport initiatives, which included managing and analysing extensive stakeholder consultation and communication. This work drew particularly upon my published masters thesis on this subject. In addition, I also wrote new statutory planning documents for new development across the county, and helped set and analyse progress against sustainable transport targets, which were then reported to national government.
Specific issues addressed during this work included: creating new bus and cycle lanes; increasing cycle parking provision; creating new controlled car parking schemes; promoting car sharing, and; promoting the use of cycles and public transport, both to local residents and visting tourists. Particular skills that I developed and demonstrated included: modelling transportation useage and flows; use of GIS planning and mapping tools; database management and design, and; project management and evaluation. I also became skilled at liasing between diverse actors, including politicians, planners, the general public and interest groups, as well as creating appropriate policy compromises between often entrenched and conflicting positions.
Click to read my published thesis on stakeholder involvement in transport planning